Welcome to Makoto Yamashita Homepage

Mail Adress: Makoto.Yamashita at comp dot isct dot ac dot jp

山下研のホームページはこちら / Link to the Yamashita research group


研究分野 / Research Keywords

Mathematical Optimization, SemiDefinite Programs, and Applications of Optimization Methods to Practical Problems.
If you have an interest or question, please feel free to ask me by e-mail.

Research Digest / 図解による研究内容ダイジェスト

Research Digest PDF in English
「研究内容ダイジェスト」の HTML 版

ページの内容 / Contents


授業 / CLASS

趣味 / hobby

Myself Myself (2012/Dec/18)
Myself (2021/Dec/10)
with a shirt from a conference at which I gave a talk.
Myself (2024/Apr/18)
with a shirt from a former student.

東京科学大学 / Institute of Science Tokyo
情報理工学院 / School of Computing
数理・計算科学系/ Department of Mathematical and Computing Science

住所:152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1-W8-29

Address: 2-12-1-W8-29, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552, JAPAN

居室: 東京科学大学大岡山キャンパス西8号館W棟W704室

Room: W704, West8(W), O-okayama campus, Institute of Science Tokyo